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Project 4 Final Artist Statement

I will be the first to say I was not at all able to accomplish what I'd hoped to with this project. My grandmother passed away the Friday before the last week of classes, so I was mostly occupied with that. Coupling that with being unable to attend class and get advice, I was not really able to do what I wanted.

My plan here was to have my ducks in fun colors spinning around while my koi fish models swam around them. Sadly, I couldn't figure out how to do most of what I wanted to do, so I will just have to reflect on my unfinished project.

I am happy with my little critter models that I made. I think I might've preferred to give my koi fish their own versions of "hats" like I did with my ducks and their flowers. I would maybe add a different flower so they are different from the ducks but still similar. The idea behind my project was two unlikely friends, as you don't see too many instances of ducks and koi interacting. I'm really not sure what else to say about my project, except that I really did try with what I was mentally able to handle, and I'm very sorry about not being able to do more.

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