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Final Artist Statement Project 1

For project 1, our assignment was to use Blender to create an animation of a fish swimming in a fish bowl. Though it was largely based on following a tutorial, I felt like I still had a lot of artistic liberty, and I had fun adding some of my own flair to it.

First up was just creating the basic shapes and objects. While it was cool using geometric shapes to make perfectly equivalent objects, I found the sculpt mode was my favorite part of the process. I wanted to choose an interesting shaped fish to base my model off of, so I found a 3D model of an angelfish someone else had already made and used that as my guide. I maybe spent an entire class period sculpting my fish purely because I was having so much fun with it. I probably also spent another class period just painting it.

The sculpting was definitely my favorite step of the project, but I'd have to say my next favorite would be the animation. I'd done maybe a few frames of animation in the past, b

ut nothing at this level. It was so cool rigging the fish skeleton and adjusting that to its movements. It was tedious, but also kind of fun, if that's possible. I already had a ton of respect for animators, but that respect just practically quadrupled. I knew it was long, hard work but didn't realize the full scope until I actually did it myself.

Overall, I feel like I learned a lot of awesome things about Blender while doing this project. While I may not totally remember everything, I feel as though I have a great base knowledge to build off of and create more amazing things in the future.

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