For my final project, I think I'm going to go more the VR / coding route. I hope this will help me improve my coding skills, since they are practically nonexistent but can be very useful. I already have my ducky model from the second project, which I plan to use in this one as well. In class, I had already set a scene with my duck model, a pond as the "floor" plane, a sky view, and a duck quack sound. I really enjoyed the advice given in class about maybe having some ducks spin and be different, fun colors, so I will probably try to do some of that also.
I will say I am a bit anxious about this as it seems like a big undertaking. Coding is very confusing and complicated to me, so I'm not sure if this is a bit more ambitious than I'm able to execute. I'm not sure how to make the ducks spin yet, but once I get one to spin, the rest probably will be easier. Also, the weird coordinates setup is very confusing to me. Sometimes I'll change a coordinate and can't actually tell if anything changed, so I'll have to deal with that. Finally, I would like to make it so the ducks quack when you get closer to them, but I'm also unsure how to execute that. Overall, I'm feeling a bit iffy about my ability to make this project how I picture it in my head, but excited to develop a new skill!
